Book Groups:
Book Group 1
We have good relations with Haddenham Community Library and we borrow book sets to read each month. Members take it in turns to do some background research on the book of the month, which they then present to the group to stimulate discussion. We read a wide variety of books, including both classics and modern authors.
Group Leader
Ann Warris on 01844 292273 or
This group is currently full but if you are interested in starting a similar group, please contact Doreen Barker at
We meet in members’ homes at 2.00pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month. There is no meeting in December.
Book Group 2
We try to read a wide variety of books. We sometimes look at different examples of a particular genre or read the biography of a classic author as well as one of their books. A planning meeting is held each year at which each member suggests books for the next programme. They then present the book which they have suggested. The presenter will research the author and the context if appropriate and will look at aspects such as characterisation in order to promote a lively discussion. We source the books ourselves either by borrowing them from the library or buying them.
Group Leader
Elaine Parkes on 01844 292184 or
This group is currently full but if you are interested in starting a similar group, please contact Doreen Barker at
We meet in members’ homes on the first Tuesday of each month at 10.30am. We meet every month throughout the year.
There are no costs for the meetings but members may incur costs sourcing the books.
Book Group 3
This is a new group which will have its first meeting on 28th January 2022
Group Leader
Norma Moore on 07920 887699 or
We meet in members’ homes on the fourth Friday of each month at 10.30am.
There are no costs for the meetings but members may incur costs sourcing the books.