Events & Outings

An event or outing is organised for Haddenham U3A approximately once per month. Example events include theatre trips, visits to National Trust and similar properties, exhibitions and other concerts, and tours.

Travel by coach from the Village Hall, Haddenham is usually arranged, although occasionally we have travelled by public transport (train or bus).  A meal or refreshment is often included in the event.

Events and outings are announced monthly at the Haddenham U3A general meeting.  Places are limited, and booked on a first come – first served basis.  Members should book for popular events as early as possible.


Costs of each event are included in the announcement. The payment is usually due as soon as you have booked a place.

Payments may be made by giving a cheque to the event organiser or to Mary Paterson. Cheques should be payable to Haddenham U3A and have the name of the event written on the back.  However, we prefer payment by internet or telephone banking to the credit of Haddenham U3A at CAF Bank; sort code 40-52-40, account no. 00021010, with the event name as the reference. As soon as you have used one of these methods, please email or ring the Treasurer ( or 01844 292393) and the event organiser to confirm that the payment has been sent.  

Next Events


Subject to re-booking resuming


Group Notice

Joining the Group

Events and outings are open to all members of Haddenham U3A, subject to the availability of places.

To book a place, contact the organiser of the specific event that you wish to join (see Group Notices above).

The co-ordinator of the events programme is: