About Haddenham u3a
u3a is a UK movement of retired and semi-retired people who come together to continue their educational, social and creative interests in a friendly and informal environment. It is a volunteer-led organisation which welcomes people of all backgrounds. The u3a draws on the strengths and enthusiasms of all its members, and relies on their active support.
Haddenham u3a was formed in 2001 and provides access to the best local leisure, recreational and educational facilities. It is non-profit making and its income comes mainly from members’ subscriptions, currently at £16.00 per annum. Non-members are welcome to attend one General Meeting at no cost, where they can talk to our Membership Secretary about how to join us. As a member of Haddenham u3a, you may attend the Interest Groups of other Local u3as (space permitting) and you can access wider regional and national activities – see Wider u3a. Our activities can be broadly divided into three categories: General Meetings, Interest Groups and Visits.
General Meetings. General meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Invited guests (or u3a members) speak on a wide variety of topics of general interest. In these meetings we try to enable an increased awareness of our locality and our world and culture with a balanced programme to meet u3a aims. We hope that members will enjoy and learn from all events.
Interest Groups are a key part of the u3a movement. Our Interest Groups embrace study, leisure and activities, both indoor and outdoor, and can be as small as three people, or as large as 50 or more. Members of Haddenham u3a should register with Group Leaders if they wish to attend regularly. Leaders are volunteers drawn from the u3a membership, and require no qualifications other than enthusiasm and a desire to make the group work. Some groups meet in rotation in members’ homes, others in larger venues in Haddenham and beyond, some of which will incur a small charge. The Committee is always open to ideas for establishing new groups.
Visits are also very popular, and there is a varied programme of Events and Outings for members throughout the year. These include trips to theatres, concerts and exhibitions, and to places of interest, such as stately homes, gardens and museums. The Events and Outings Organiser runs the main programme and is pleased to receive suggestions from members. Some Interest Groups also include visits in their own programmes, and these are occasionally made available to the general membership.
How to become a member
All enquiries about membership, subscriptions, standing orders and Gift Aid should be addressed to the Membership Secretary: Elaine Parkes on 01844 292184 or membership@haddenhamu3a.co.uk
More details can also be found on the Joining u3a page.